Easily save hundreds of hours of time and money

ChatGPT for Adobe Commerce (Magento) 1

for Magento.

According to many, one of the biggest revolutions is ChatGPT. This artificial intelligence engine has many functions, including creating unique content for your online store. And that in a fraction of the time it would take without ChatGPT

Ceezoo ContentCreator is the most advanced ChatGPT extensions currently available for Magento. What is unique, for example, is that you can include attribute information in the construction of your content, making it very complete. You can also choose to have an extensive description and a short description generated, but our extension can also generate a meta-description and a meta-title for you in one action.

Save a lot of time creating UNIQUE Product Descriptions

Writing texts for your online store is very time-consuming and therefore expensive. Ceezoo’s ContentCreator helps you save hundreds of hours of work and generates effective and complete texts with the help of ChatGPT.

Many extra options available

Our Magento extension ContentCreator will help you quickly start creating product descriptions for your online store using ChatGPT. But our Content Creator does more: With various options you can customize the texts to your liking and that makes your content even more unique and suitable for your site.

ChatGPT for Adobe Commerce (Magento) 1
ChatGPt voor Magento
menu CHTGPT contentcreator van Ceezoo
ChatGPT for Adobe Commerce (Magento) 3

Write formal or informal product descriptions

Gebruikt u de u-vorm of de je-vorm in je teksten. Beide is geen probleem. Geef eenvoudig aan welke vorm u wilt gebruiken.

Determine the tone of your texts yourself

Do you want a promotional text or a business description of your product? Our ContentCreator lets you easily choose between different types of text for different purposes

Easily generate the meta information

You can also easily generate meta information, such as page titles and the meta description. All changes are saved to the product information at the touch of a button.

Improve your existing content

With our ChatGPT extension for Magento it is also possible to improve your existing product descriptions. Use a clear tone in your texts or simply incorporate information you have collected in the product attributes into your texts.

Easily translate your texts

You can have generated or existing texts translated. This way you can easily expand your online store to new markets without expensive translation agencies. The extension obviously works in a multistore environment.

Save hundreds of hours of work from now on

Leave your details if you want to use the ContentCreator Alpha-version. Ask about the conditions.